Zhengizkhan Zhanaltay

Zhengizkhan Zhanaltay

Deputy Director

Zhengizkhan Zhanaltay is a deputy director in the Eurasian Research Institute at H.A.Yassawi Kazakh Turkish International University. Zhengizkhan completed his bachelor’s degree at international relations department of KIMEP University in 2010. He completed his master thesis named ‘Oralmans integration into Kazakhstani Society: Turkish Kazakh Case’ in International Relations department of KIMEP University in 2014. His research interests include international migration politics, labor and ethnic migrants social and economic integration into society and remittance.

Staff's Publications

December 27, 2018

New Migration Flow Trends to Europe

The civil war in Syria has caused one of the greatest migration flows since World War II and forced more than 13 million people to leave their homes. Among them, around 6.6 million have relocated within the country, while over 5.6 million have sought refuge in neighboring countries, with 3.6 […]
October 25, 2018

Syria Crisis: Turkey Prevents New Potential Migration Wave

The civil war in Syria in seven years has forced more than 13 million Syrians to leave their homes due to security concerns. Among them, as of 27 September 2018, 5,628,350 people are seeking refuge abroad according to the figures registered by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), […]
July 20, 2018

June 2018 Presidential and Parliamentary Elections in Turkey

On June 24, 2018, the presidential and parliamentary elections were held in Turkey. The fact that the voter turnout was high at almost 87% indicates that the Turkish people have shown a keen interest in voting in order to make a decision on the political fate of their country. According […]
June 11, 2018

Undecided Fate of Illegal Migrants in European Union

As of 2016, there were 65.6 million people across the world who had been forced to leave their homes due to various reasons. Among them, 22.5 million were reported to seek refuge abroad, while 10 million people were registered as stateless persons, and the rest were relocated to a different […]
April 17, 2018

Евразийский обзор 2017: экономические, социальные и политические перспективы Евразии

В течение последних трех лет Евразийский научно-исследовательский институт (ЕИИ) готовит еженедельные электронные бюллетени, в которых читателям предоставляется своевременный и достоверный анализ последних событий, происходящих на Евразийском континенте. Аналитические материалы, подготовленные нашими сотрудниками, и, в некоторых случаях, внешними экспертами, по достоинству оценены различными учеными, специалистами, должностными лицами и политиками из Турции, […]
April 16, 2018

Eurasia Outlook 2017: Economic, Social and Political Perspectives in Eurasia

Over the last three years, the Eurasian Research Institute (ERI) has been preparing weekly e-bulletins that provide readers with the timely and reliable analysis of recent developments in Eurasia. The analyses, which are prepared by our experts and, in some cases, by external experts, are appreciated by various academicians, specialists, […]
February 26, 2018

Russia’s Demographic Crisis: Is There a Way Out?

Ensuring sustainable population growth has entered the list of challenges for a large number of countries. In today’s world, many developed economies, primarily in the West, are in the list of countries whose populations are shrinking at a rapid pace. According to the United Nations standard for sustainable growth, the […]
December 21, 2017

Economic Integration Process of Syrian Refugees in Turkey: Labor Aspects

The ongoing civil war in Syria has so far forced more than 13 million people to leave their homes looking for safe zones within the country and abroad. Among them, 8 million were relocated within the country, whereas 5.5 million search refuge abroad meaning that almost one-third of Syria’s population […]
November 1, 2017

Migration Flow Dynamics in the Mediterranean Sea

Many people from Syria, North Africa and elsewhere try their chances to reach Europe via the Mediterranean Sea in order to escape from conflict and poverty in their countries. In Syria alone, the civil war has created a massive forced migration flow, causing almost 13 million people to leave their […]
August 17, 2017

Syrian Refugees in the Turkish Labor Market: Current Situation, Policies and Opportunities

In 2015, the number of people who forcibly leave their homes reached to 65.3 million people. Among them, 21.3 million are refugees and 40.8 million of them are relocated within their country. Comparing with 2014 this figure is increased by 5.8 million where developed countries host only 5% of them […]