Hayal Ayca Simsek

Hayal Ayca Simsek

Visiting Research fellow

Hayal Ayca Simsek graduated from Public Finance Department of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences in Dokuz Eylul University in 1995 and she started working as a research assistant in Public Finance Department in 1996. Starting her master education in 1995, she completed this process in 1997 by presenting her master thesis namely ‘Alternative Fiscal Policies in Determining the Limits of Government’. Hayal Ayca Simsek started doctorate process in 1998 and completed this process in 2003 by presenting her doctoral thesis namely ‘Constitutional Economics As An Alternative for Achie

Staff's Publications

April 17, 2018

Евразийский обзор 2017: экономические, социальные и политические перспективы Евразии

В течение последних трех лет Евразийский научно-исследовательский институт (ЕИИ) готовит еженедельные электронные бюллетени, в которых читателям предоставляется своевременный и достоверный анализ последних событий, происходящих на Евразийском континенте. Аналитические материалы, подготовленные нашими сотрудниками, и, в некоторых случаях, внешними экспертами, по достоинству оценены различными учеными, специалистами, должностными лицами и политиками из Турции, […]
April 16, 2018

Eurasia Outlook 2017: Economic, Social and Political Perspectives in Eurasia

Over the last three years, the Eurasian Research Institute (ERI) has been preparing weekly e-bulletins that provide readers with the timely and reliable analysis of recent developments in Eurasia. The analyses, which are prepared by our experts and, in some cases, by external experts, are appreciated by various academicians, specialists, […]
June 19, 2017

Eurasia Outlook 2016: Economic, Social and Political Perspectives in Eurasia

Recent political and economic shifts following the global financial crisis of the last few years triggered further rise of Eurasia, which has become a geopolitical symbol that indicates full transition towards a multipolar world. The rise of the Eurasian countries has gained greater global political and economic importance causing significant […]
June 18, 2017

Евразийский обзор 2016: экономические, социальные и политические перспективы Евразии

2015 жылдан бері Еуразия ғылыми-зерттеу институты Еуразия аймағындағы айтулы өзгерістерді бағалайтын апталық электрондық бюллетеньдер дайындап, оларды оқырмандармен бөлісіп келеді. Бұл басылымда институтымызда қызмет ететін сарапшы мамандарымыз бен Түркия, Қазақстан және басқа да Еуразия елдерінің ғалымдары, сарапшы мамандары, мемлекеттік қызметкерлері мен саясаткерлері тарапынан дайындалған электрондық бюллетеньдер жиналған. Бұл кітап экономика, саясат […]
January 1, 2017

Economics and Politics of Energy in Central Asia and Caucasus

Central Asia and Caucasus has always been economically powerful regions throughout the world history.However, in the beginning of 21st century, Central Asia and Caucasus with its high oil and natural gas reserves regained importance and these countries have attracted attention with their high economic potentials. It seems that the energy […]
December 28, 2016

The Developments in the Economy of Belarus in 2016

Belarus has a strategic location between Russia and the European Union (EU) and a well-developed transport system with a sufficient investment climate and highly skilled workforce. However, being highly dependent on Russia in energy, economy and finance and high state control on economic activities prevent to stabilize the economy. After […]
September 27, 2016

Foreign Direct Investments in the Economy of Kyrgyzstan

During the last few years, the economy   of Kyrgyzstan has grown due to the significant increase in gold exports and trade with the neighbouring countries. Although the economic recession in Russia led to a decline in the demand for Kyrgyz goods, which caused a reduction in non-gold exports of the […]
June 8, 2016

The Implementation of Fiscal Policies in the Economy of Kyrgyzstan

As Kyrgyzstan is an oil importer country, low oil prices in the world market have contributed to high consumption and growth in the country. As a result of a significant increase in gold exports, economic growth was also driven by net trade. Despite the recession in Russian economy, which caused a decline in the demand for Kyrgyz goods […]
May 25, 2016

Евразийский обзор 2015: экономические, социальные и политические перспективы Евразии

С 2015 года Евразийский научно-исследовательский институт готовит еженедельные электронные бюллетени, в которых рассматриваются важные для Евразийского региона события, и распространят эти электронные бюллетени среди читателей. В данном издании собраны электронные бюллетени, которые были подготовлены как нашими экспертами, так и различными учеными, экспертами, чиновниками и политиками из Турции, Казахстана и других […]
May 23, 2016

Eurasia Outlook 2015: Economic, Social and Political Perspectives in Eurasia

Since the beginning of 2015, we, the Eurasian Research Institute decided to prepare weekly ebulletins to evaluate the important developments in the Eurasian region and to share these e-bulletins with the readers. The analysis which have been prepared by not only the experts of our Institute but also the experts […]