Azimzhan Khitakhunov

Azimzhan Khitakhunov

Senior Research fellow

Azimzhan Khitakhunov is a research fellow at the Eurasian Research Institute. He has received his bachelor, master and Ph.D. degrees from Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Ph.D. degree was completed in cooperation with the Johns Hopkins University, School of Advanced International Studies, Bologna, Italy). Currently, he is a senior lecturer at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Higher School of Economics and Business, Economics Department, where he teaches macroeconomics related disciplines. His research experience includes participation as a research fellow in the government financed f

Staff's Publications

March 17, 2021

Trade between Turkey and Central Asia

Central Asia is a region of increasing competition between great powers such as Russia, China and the United States. Eurasian integration with active participation of Russia, China-led One Belt – One Road initiative, and the United States’ proposals such as the New Silk Road are in the focus of many […]
February 19, 2021

Analysis of the Global Wheat Market

Agriculture plays an important role in the global economy. Its functions are broad and include provision of food security, triggering of economic and industrial growth, poverty reduction, narrowing of income disparities, delivery of environmental services and structural transformations [Byerlee et al., 2009]. In the period of economic and political shocks, […]
February 19, 2021

Agriculture of Turkey: Production, Trade and Policy Reforms

Turkey has been one of the fastest growing economies for several decades despite the recent slowdown and economic crisis. Many sectors of Turkey’s economy experienced significant transformations. Agriculture became one of the most important sectors, which provided not only food security, but also a significant amount of revenues from exports. […]
January 17, 2021

An Overview of Agricultural Development of Russia

Agriculture remains one of the most important sectors in Russia’s economy and the country’s authorities perceive it as one of potential economic growth drivers. The sector experienced significant decline during the 1990s, but started to recover in the 2000s. During the last decade, the country’s agriculture demonstrated steady growth.  After […]
January 10, 2021

An Analysis of Economic Cooperation between Russia and Tajikistan

Economic cooperation with Russia remains important for Central Asia despite claims about its diminishing role in the region. Trade and in-vestment partnership with Russia significantly contribute to the region’s economic performance. A country-by-country analysis shows that Russia’s bilateral economic relations with Kazakhstan are historically strong. It plays an important role […]
January 7, 2021

The Risks of Corruption: The Case of Central Asia

Corruption remains one of the main threats for global development as it persists in the majority of countries. It is a major challenge not only for developing states, but also for the advanced ones. Data shows that annual costs of corruption, bribery, theft and tax evasion, and other illicit financial […]
December 10, 2020

Analysis of Bilateral Trade between Russia and Uzbekistan

Trade is an important factor that links countries and industries. Moreover, it stimulates economic growth, reduces poverty and drives globalization. Trade ties play an important role for forming regional trade agreements. Many countries develop special trade stimulating programs. In Central Asia, countries pay special attention to the development of export-oriented […]
November 9, 2020

The Risks of the High Government Debt for Central Asia

Increasing levels of debt became a common concern for many advanced and developing countries. Debt-to-GDP ratios are historically high in the United States, Germany, France and other advanced economies. Rapid growth of government expenditure as the result of many social programs, lower tax revenues, increasing share of elders among population […]
November 9, 2020

How Russia is Important for Kyrgyzstan?

Kyrgyzstan is currently experiencing deep political and economic crises. The list of negative factors, in particular the pandemic-induced lockdowns, sharp decline in migrant remittances, and reduction in external demand for its basic exports significantly contributed to the economic decline. The country’s tourism sector, one of the main contributors to its […]
November 5, 2020

Belarus and its Strategic Allies

The presidential election in Belarus caused countrywide mass protests due to claims of fraud. The excessive state response and repressions towards protesters drew criticism in the Western countries, mainly those that refused to recognize Alexander Lukashenko as president. The United States and the European Union (EU) called for economic sanctions. […]